How to Get a Bigger Slice of the LinkedIn Pie with an Awesome ABOUT Statement
Aug 02, 2023
I don't know how to say this other than to be direct and give you some tough love. Your ABOUT statement on LinkedIn? It's not good. It's not that it's bad. It's just, well.... meh.
But don't feel bad. Most people don't have a great about statement. They make one of a few mistakes:
🛑 They copy/paste from their resume. Which makes them look like they are using LinkedIn to look for a new job. When, in fact, they are gainfully employed and using LinkedIn for networking.
🛑 They put very little in there. Barely enough of a description. Definitely a lot less than their elevator pitch. And it's, well.... lacking.
🛑 Most Common: it's outdated and ALL ABOUT YOU.
Wait... you're thinking, "But Brenda, it's called ABOUT and this is my LinkedIn profile. OF COURSE IT SHOULD BE ABOUT ME!!!"
I'd like to let you in on a little secret. Your LinkedIn ABOUT is not really about YOU.
It's about you as it relates to your IDEAL TARGET AUDIENCE.
Putting this another way, try this: read your ABOUT statement out loud to a coworker, client, or family member. Do you feel awkward? Does it sound stiff and stilted? Is in inaccurate, outdated, or just plain boring? (It's like I'm in your head, right?!?)
Written correctly, your About statement will be interesting to you and to others, and it will keep your ideal target audience reading longer, which can lead to:
✅ More relevant connections. 🤩
✅ More relevant leads generated. 💰
✅ If you're a job seeker, more hiring managers and recruiters reading your profile, which hopefully leads to job interviews and job offers. 🎉
So here's my ABOUT formula. I share this with you in hopes that it inspires to you take action and rewrite that HORRIBLE About statement on your profile right now. (just kidding. It's not that horrible. Well, maybe it is but nobody is gonna tell you that! 🤣)
First 4 lines (before “see more”): what do you do and who do you help? End with: contact info (email). Maximize the first 4 lines, keeping in mind that MOST PEOPLE WILL NOT CLICK ON "SEE MORE." So don't put any line breaks in there until after the "See More" break. That's precious real estate, my friend.
(add a paragraph break to air it out)
THEN: description of your company (employer) and your role. Maybe a bulleted list of your services. If you're a job seeker, talk about what you offer to a company.
(add a paragraph break to air it out)
THEN: more of your background. Themes throughout your career. Your career story.
(add a paragraph break to air it out)
THEN: other stuff. Personal / professional goals.
END WITH: Something interesting.
Look at my ABOUT as an example.
And seriously, take some time to update your ABOUT statement this week. Or, message me if I can help. I offer 1-to-1 LinkedIn Coaching and Executive Profile Optimization Services.
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