LinkedIn Posts Feeling Disorganized? You Need a Content Calendar.

company page post content calendar content creation marketing post on linkedin social media Aug 07, 2024
LinkedIn Posting Do you need a content calendar? Maybe.

Do you have a plan in place for your LinkedIn posts?


Or are you doing this:

  • Posting when you think about it
  • Posting when you can come up with an idea, but ignoring LinkedIn posts otherwise
  • Pre-scheduling LinkedIn posts using a scheduling tool (Buffer, HootSuite, Sprout Social) but NOT going on LinkedIn to follow-up with people engaging on your posts (likes / reactions, replies)
  • Never posting at all
  • Posting multiple times in a day, because some influencer told you to do so, but your posts are getting little to no engagement (maybe a "pity like" here or there -- but that's it)
  • Posting periodically, but not sure WHY you're posting at all, and even though you're sure your target audience is ON LinkedIn, they never interact with your posts


If ONE OR MORE of the above describe you, then you need a content calendar. 


Working with a VA (virtual assistant) or someone who is posting on your behalf? A content calendar is even more essential, especially if you're not super savvy on LinkedIn or social media in general. 


Working with a VA / Team / Agency?
You might already have one through the scheduling tools you're using. It helps you to see at-a-glance what's coming up. That way, if you or someone on your team has an idea for postings (an upcoming book promotion or event, for example), everyone is on the same page for what's being posted and when. And if something is missed, it's easier to add it into the content calendar.

Self-Employed / Solo?

A content calendar helps you to get focused! 


I recommend a virtual document, perhaps in Google Sheets, that is easy access to view and edit from anywhere in the world, and from any device. If you don't have a template, I suggest searching Google for "content calendar template google sheets."


The content calendar serves as a "road map" for your postings, and is subject to change, but it's a plan of what's coming up.


Want my Content Calendar Resources? 

  1. Join my Marketing with Meller membership program. I'll be offering a masterclass on this topic soon! Join Here
  2. Join my online program, The Recipe for Social Selling on LinkedIn. I offer a lesson on masterclasses PLUS a downloadable Google Sheets template that you can use. Learn More


Email me at [email protected] and let me know!