FREE LIVE WEBINAR by Brenda Meller
How to Use LinkedIn in "Stealth" Mode
for those Working But *Quietly* Looking for a New Job in 2024 and who are Experience Rich (age ~40+, 50+, 60+)
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Join My VIP Job Seeker Email List Now!
Whether you are actively unemployed and seeking your next full-time job NOW or working but looking (quietly!) to make a move, I can help you unlock the power of LinkedIn for your job search.
Join my VIP Job Seeker email list and you'll receive:
- Emails with LinkedIn strategy tips. Sometimes weekly, but usually a few times a month.
- Notification of "LinkedIn for Job Seekers" offerings and events
- UNLIMITED inspiration and positivity. REMEMBER: you are awesome. I believe in you!
You may unsubscribe at any time. But you'll miss out on great stuff.
Are You Struggling with how to use LinkedIn to find a new job while working? You're Not Alone.
Wondering how to look for a new job on LinkedIn without alerting your boss, your coworkers, or your clients? I call this Using LinkedIn in "Stealth" Mode. It's not a setting, but rather an approach to using LinkedIn.
Did you grow up in an "analog" childhood, and you're now trying to figure out how to quietly find a job in a "digital" adulthood, including how to use LinkedIn more effectively? You're not alone. LinkedIn can be CONFUSING!
Are you "Experience Rich" (age 40+, 50+, or 60+) and struggling with self-confidence as you embark on a job search, and thinking you're the only one who feels this way?
Join me for this free webinar to learn how to strategically increase your visibility and marketability on LinkedIn while searching for a job. I'll guide you through how to position your "experience rich" background as an asset to future employers -- and WITHOUT alerting your current employer! 😎

"To anyone looking to step up their LinkedIn profile and get noticed, there is no better coach than Brenda Meller.
Whether it be 1-1 coaching, exciting live webinars, in-demand speaker, individual training, or "LinkedIn" Bootcamps. Though my voice may be loud in praise, it is muffled by the thousands of people shouting about how she has taken them under her wing and coached them to success."

A Note From The Instructor...
Hi there! My name is Brenda Meller and I help job seekers get a bigger slice of the LinkedIn pie by empowering them with insights and resources to help them navigate and fully leverage LinkedIn during your job search and beyond. I specialize in working with those who are WBL (Working, But Looking for a new job).
I've been training job seekers on how to use social media for their job search since 2009, and I created this webinar especially for the "experience rich" -- individuals aged ~40+, 50+, and 60+ who are struggling with how to get the most out of LinkedIn while trying to find a new job -- and who DON'T want their coworkers, their boss(es), and/or their clients to know.
I've been a heavy LinkedIn user and active on the platform since 2006. I've used LinkedIn as a "WBL" job seeker, as a hiring manager, and now as a coach and consultant. I'm delighted to have the chance to guide you through using LinkedIn more effectively.
I look forward to helping you. 😎
"Brenda Meller is a brand building and LinkedIn genius.
With her guidance, I was able to enhance my brand, improve my profile, and meet the most supportive people along the way."

Attend and Learn
Learn how to improve your LinkedIn presence and results -- starting THIS MONTH -- to help you QUIETLY improve your visibility and marketability as a candidate -- especially if you're over the age of 40, 50, or 60!
Attend and Learn:
Why and How to Get Active on LinkedIn (Starting Today!) -- even if you haven't used LinkedIn regularly in months (or years!)
Techniques to Build Your Brand to Support Your Dream Job -- and increase your chances of being found by hiring managers
How to Avoid Waving "Red Flags" that You're Actively Job Searching -- especially if your coworkers, boss(es) are active on LinkedIn
"Why Brenda? She explains how to engage on LinkedIn effectively. She will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and go for it!"

"When I was downsized from the role I'd held for almost 20 years, I was a bit lost.
Brenda helped me improve all aspects of my LinkedIn profile, understand how to better use LinkedIn for my job search and how to gain meaningful connections."

"Brenda taught me a wealth of information about LinkedIn and how to optimize LinkedIn in my job search.
She provides not just tips but also shows you how the tips can be applied to maximize success for your specific situation."

Last Updated: November 17, 2024