
My Recommended Formula for Your LinkedIn EXPERIENCE Statement experience statement linkedin for business development linkedin profile May 30, 2024

Did you know that some of your LinkedIn profile visitors won't read your ABOUT statement, but instead they will SCROLL down to your EXPERIENCE section to learn more about you, your work experience, and your company. 


So now that you know this, let's FIX your EXPERIENCE statement,...

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Want to Grow Your Business? Ask Your Clients for Testimonials. linkedin for business development linkedin recommendation sales social proof social selling testimonials Mar 01, 2023

Want to grow your business? Ask your clients for their help.

Think about what I like to call the "trade show table" effect. Imagine you're at a trade show and you see a table. Nobody (except the salesperson) is at the table. They seem eager to make eye contact, and you try to nonchalantly...

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Did You Know Your LinkedIn Photo Might Not be Visible? Check it NOW! headshot photo linkedin for business development linkedin photo linkedin settings Oct 10, 2022

Hey, you. Yes, you. Did you know that your LinkedIn headshot photo may not be visible to everyone on LinkedIn?


"So what!" you reply. 


Well, if people cannot see your photo, they may assume:

  • It's not really you - but someone posing as you
  • Your account is fake, or a bot
  • You...
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How Do I Watch a LinkedIn Live Broadcast? Read This to Find Out How! how to linkedin company page linkedin for business development linkedin live linkedin strategy linkedin tips live broadcast live streaming live video Jun 04, 2022

About once or twice a week, I get asked the question, "How Do I Watch a LinkedIn Live Broadcast." I learned long ago that the best way to answer common questions is via a blog.




  1. Make sure you are following the person or company page on LinkedIn. For...
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ROCK Your LinkedIn Company Page in 2022 When You Enroll in This Masterclass linkedin company page linkedin for business development linkedin strategy Dec 05, 2021

HAVE YOU HEARD about my LinkedIn Company Page Masterclass? It's A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

If you haven't heard about it yet, that's by design. I've been s-l-o-w-l-y rolling it out, week-by-week, to a select group of VIPs in my network. 

You see, I LOVE helping people with LinkedIn.

Over the past few...

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Want More Followers on Your LinkedIn Company Page? linkedin company page linkedin for business development linkedin strategy linkedin tips Sep 08, 2021

How do I get people to view my LinkedIn company page?

When I'm asked questions from connections and clients, sometimes I will blog my response. This helps to share my advice with them AND with others in my network. If you're struggling with blog topics, give this technique a try.

QUESTION: How do...

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Do This FIRST Before Using Automation to Grow Connections automation linkedin for business development linkedin tips Apr 19, 2021

I received a VM from a client today with a question I'm asked frequently. It involves using automation to grow their sales team's network on LinkedIn for prospecting.

Q: "We are looking into having some prospecting done, and the companies we've been talking to all seem to do an automated process....

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Your LinkedIn Header Is Free Marketing For You header image linkedin for business development linkedin header linkedin tips Feb 24, 2021

Can I let you in on a little secret? It's so simple that once I tell you, you won't be able to unsee it.

LinkedIn gives you a FREE billboard on your profile. Yes, free.

Your LinkedIn header is the equivalent of a free billboard you see on the side of the highway, and it's on every single person's...

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Thanks for the Tag. Your Post has NOTHING to Do With Me. linkedin for business development linkedin tips tagging Feb 18, 2021

Do you get tagged on posts that have NOTHING to do with you? And it's from someone you don't know at all? Yeah, it happens to me too. In the beginning, I was a bit thrilled. I had made it! People were tagging me to generate more reach for their posts!

Now keep in mind, they weren't tagging JUST...

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Use This For Your First Linkedin Company Page Post company page post linkedin company page linkedin for business development post on linkedin Feb 11, 2021

Many of my clients are struggling with what to post on their LinkedIn company page. This blog provides you a quick and easy idea for your FIRST post.


If you've never posted on your LinkedIn company page, you could be reducing leads for your business. And also, page visitors will...

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How to Create a Company Page on LinkedIn (FREE) linkedin company page linkedin for business development Jan 08, 2021
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (aka, circa 2006 and earlier), we marketers relied upon our website to be the point of destination for internet traffic.
Then, social media was born.
Nowadays, companies are harnessing the power of social media and establishing and...
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